Policing and security are essential functions that the government was formed to provide. From national agencies like the FBI and others to state, county, and local police agencies, a community's ability to protect its citizens is a key function.

According to a report by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the officer shortage is nearing crisis levels, which is prompting some police agencies to change tactics to bring new officers on board.

The fact that police agencies all over America have had a harder time recruiting new officers isn't unique to just one area. It's happening nationwide, and Western New York is no exception.

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The problem has gotten to a point where police agencies have joined forces in their recruitment efforts. From Buffalo to Rochester, from Erie County, Monroe County, and beyond, the problem will begin to show itself in communities as police response times become longer, and there won't be enough officers on the streets to serve and protect.

Things have gotten so precarious around the country that some police agencies have started recruiting people from other states to move to become officers. That's happening in Western New York as the Atlanta Police Department is holding a recruiting event in downtown Buffalo this month.

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What can communities around Western New York do to increase their desire to serve as law enforcement officers?

Police Chief Magazine has a few suggestions of things communities can do to increase applications. Things like rebranding recrutiment efforts, making sure departments are diverse and inclusive, making sure police leadership is mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy, and other things.

Whatever happens, we know something has to change.

2023 Best Looking State Patrol Cars In (Almost) Every State

For the past 10 years, the American Association of State Troopers has held a contest to determine which state has the best looking patrol cruiser. Nearly every state police agency submits their best photo of their sharpest patrol vehicle a chance to win the coveted cover photo on the association's annual calendar. From cop cars rushing through blizzards to vehicles on the Grand Ole Opry stage, here are this 2023's nominees.

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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