Free Cancer Support Groups Available In Buffalo
Living in a place like Western New York has several key benefits. If you ask most people, they will name things like architecture, food, or sports, which are great reasons to live in the 716. While all of these are perfectly reasonable to call Buffalo your home, there is something else that you should consider as a top reason to live here.
Buffalo has multiple high-quality hospitals, something many areas do not have. The medical systems in Western New York are top-notch. From Kaleida and ECMC to Catholic Health and Roswell Park, the treatment options people have in the region are second to none in the 716.
You can often find out by the many free and low-cost screening programs that the various medical systems have to offer.
Roswell Park began offering free cancer screenings just a few months ago. Those screenings range from prostate and colorectal health to lung cancer checks with EDDY. But they're not limited to screenings.
Roswell Offers Cancer Support Groups In Buffalo
Suppose you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with cancer, is currently being treated for cancer, or is assisting a family member. In that case, there are resources to help you manage the stress and burden of the disease.
No matter the type of cancer, there is a group available to help you, and the best part is that it's free.
One session coming up soon is for those who are dealing with the effects of prostate cancer.
These sessions are open to cancer patients, family members, and community members who want to speak with experts while discussing topics like diet, exercise, ways to manage symptoms, and the latest treatment advances.
Prostate Cancer Second Leading Cause Of Death Among Men
According to data from the Department of Health and Human Services, more than 1 out of 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime, and prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death among men in America.
Those figures are even worse for black men and men of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. Fortunately, prostate cancer is one of those diseases that can be cured if caught early.
If you're 40 or older, please speak with your physician about screening. A simple prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test or a digital rectal exam (DRE) is all it takes.
If you have questions, tons of information is available from Kaleida Health and Roswell Park.
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Gallery Credit: Ed Nice