Do This Before Summer’s Over In Western New York
The countdown is on. It’s a painful thing to admit, but it’s true…
Summer is almost over in Western New York.
The month of August is (pretty much) here. Labor Day weekend will be here before you know it. Then school will start, and the kids will be boarding the bus every morning and heading to soccer practice every afternoon. Before you know it, you’ve missed your chance to accomplish everything on your Buffalo summer bucket list.
Thanks to covid restrictions finally lifting, there were more places and things to do and see this summer in Buffalo than there have been in years. It seems like every weekend there was a festival, concert, or event we hadn’t been to in a very long time. We have a feeling that because of this, the summer of 2022 in Buffalo will go down as one of the best Western New York summers ever.
Still, though, when we finally realize that summertime is about to come to an end, doesn’t it always seem like we didn’t do enough to really, truly enjoy it?
By the time of Buffalo’s first snowfall, we’ll be wishing we went to just one more place (or ten) back when the weather was hot and we had all of the time in the world to enjoy it.
Now is the time to relish every moment left in the summer of 2022 before it passes you by. Don’t let this final month of sunshine and free time pass you by. Make sure you recruit your family and friends to join you at one of these Western New York summer staples and make some summer memories before it’s too late.
Sure, a lot of these classic Buffalo spots will still be open come fall, but we all know they’re at their peak amount of fun when you hit them up in the summertime.