Fundraiser Today For Local Woman Needing a Kidney
Brianna-Fest is happening today in Hamburg, New York. Presented by the Coyote Cafe.
Brianna Digiacomo of Hamburg needs a kidney. She has battled polycystic kidney disease for her entore life. As decrived by John Hopkins Medicine:
Polycystic kidney disease can cause the kidneys to work less well. The disease is due to a gene change, also called a mutation. Most often, it runs in families. One or both parents pass on a copy of the mutated gene to the child. But some people get the disease without receiving a mutated gene from a parent. The gene change can happen on its own.
As a result Brianna needs a new kidney, and you can help!
Brianna -Fesrt is today, May 3 at Coyote Cafe in hamburg. Located at 36 Main St. The fundraiser goes form 6pm to 10pm with lvie muisic from Nerds Gone Wild. There will also be amazing food, prizes, and more.
It's a great time for a greatr cause!