Hunting season is upon us in New York State and you can bet that people have been out getting their ducks or out with their bows in the woods the past couple of weekends.

We were talking on Clay and Company this morning about how much money it costs to hunt in New York State. An annual hunting license alone is 22 bucks for an adult in New York State.

The sport of hunting is growing in New York State. Right now, there are over 556,000 people with a paid hunting license, according to That is just under 3% of the entire population of New York State that has their hunting license. But between licenses, tags, permits and stamps it will cost hunters in the state $24,248,161 that goes to New York State every year.

You actually might find this stat interesting as well. More women are hunting in New York State than ever before. According to New York Hunting & Trapping, women are drawn to the sport to spend more time with family, to put organic and locally sourced food on the table, and to spend more time outside. In addition, talking to one local woman who hunts here in the southern tier, she noted that she learned to hunt when she was at a young age. She said that she likes that she can go out in nature and get away from 'life' for a bit and be out in the peace and quiet woods.

See The 10 States With The Highest Tax Burden

We can count on two things in life. Death and taxes.

In the state of New York, we can count on those taxes being high. But how high is our tax burden in the Empire State versus other states?

Wallethub recently ranked each of the 50 states based on overall tax burden which they define as "...the proportion of total personal income that residents pay toward state and local taxes." These rankings base that ax burden number on property, income, and sales taxes.

Here are the top 10 states from those rankings, And, yes, no surprise - New York made the list. But are we that bad off? See where New York ranks!

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