New York State is an amazing place to live, but it is not all perfect.

If you ask anyone in New York or who just left New York State why they wanted to leave New York chances are they will mention one of these reasons.

Here are the Top 5 reasons people hate living in New York.

Taxes - New York State is one of the most taxed states in the country and this is the biggest complaint that people have living in the state.

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Weather - Summers in New York are amazing and early fall might be the prettiest in the world, but it is winter that drags down the state. Having four of the Top Cities in snowfall is not ideal.

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Roads - It seems that every road in New York is full of potholes or they are quickly falling apart. The only people that love the roads in New York are Auto body shop owners.

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Politicians - I mean everyone complains about politicians but it seems that New York politicians get in the way more trouble than the rest of the country.

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Taxes - Yep..the taxes are so high here in New York, that it makes the list twice! Taxes are the biggest reason most people leave New York.

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While these might not be the only reasons people are leaving New York but they are some of the biggest and if officials in the state don't start addressing them more and more people will be leaving in droves.

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Top 5 Reasons People Hate Living In New York

New York State is an amazing place to live, but it is not all perfect.

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